Sunday, October 11, 2009♥.
So, I went to Galveston yesterday with my dad. And we saw dolphins! :DI love dolphins. >__>. But more importantly, we went ghost hunting! Twice. ^^! ~<3>
Unfortunately, I missed the concert of the year with Ivy T___T. My favorite band and a bunch of my other favorite bands were performing at the House of Blues and I MISSED IT D:
I also got to see some of the crazy awesome street art and street artists down at the Strand (which is this area of shops and bistros and old buildings that you have to walk around or take a carriage to). I got some great videos of the artists at work. Each piece of art is turned into a show! Which is amazing. ~<3>
So, a little history about the city of Galveston. It is, by ghosts per square mile, the most haunted city in the United States of America. It's located on an island. Among the horrific incidents that occured at Galveston are The Great Storm that hit the island in 1901 and killed over 6000 people in one night. The french pirate Jean Laffite (who founded Galveston and helped America greatly in the war...and then burned down Galveston. That man confuses me.) who carried his wife's remains around in a treasure chest after she died (allegedly) and fought off the cannibilistic Kuronkuwe (or something like that) indians.
But anyway, so lots of death during that period of time. And then after the great storm there were morgues EVERYWHERE in every building (most of which are still there) and I got to ghost hunt some of them ^^''" And then there was the war...and bank robbers...and cannabilism...and yeah. OH AND THE FACE! (i saw a ghost face on the back of a building. I got it on video!)
So yeah, most haunted place in America.
First ghost hunt thing we did was on a boat, and it was crazy, I had to stand on the top of the boat (AND THERE WERE DOLPHINS :D ...sorry) and I forgot how great it feels to be at sea. ^^" I haven't been sailing in quite some time. Anyway, so the first hunt took place in the evening before sunset. I have lots of video of that one.
The second hunt took place on foot after dark. I wasn't allowed to do any video-taping on that one. T__T but I got LOTS of paranormal pictures taken!!! (I'm making a video of my whole day! Pictures will be included.)
Anyway, so we went to about six or seven haunted sites on foot. Starting at the haunted railroad and ending at the Tremont Hotel...also allegedly haunted. One of the activities we had to do was put our hands on the most haunted building which was an infirmiry/morgue. I broke out into a cold sweat and my arm starting burning. But it stopped when I took my arm away.
But the hunt thing took like two hours, and it was really dark. And cold. And we had to investigate about twelve different occurances and ghost stories. It was really awesome! ^^""It wasn't scary at all :\ The old architecture of Galveston is amazing! I got lots of video of that as well! I can't wait to start working on the video! Some of the pictures I got on the second hunt are CRAZY. Orbs and mists everywhere!!!
rocked off @ 8:33 AM
Tuesday, October 6, 2009♥.
TWELVE DAYS WITHOUT A POST!?!? WHAT'S WRONG WITH ME!?DO NOT WANT.Sorry!!!! I know I haven't posted in foreverrrrrr D:<BUT.I'm getting a new laptop!! I just ordered it. It's a macbook >:3 I'm excited.Moar artz plz! kthx. I'm not sick, for the time being, but it's only a matter of time before I catch the good old h1n1 swine flu like everyone else.XD But seriously though, it's a miracle I'm not sick right now.In other news: FAMILY FORCE 5 RELEASED THE NEW "CHRISTMAS PAGEANT" ALBUM TODDDAAAYYY! *ivy and I have epic joyful meltdown* Also, they have a new song "keep the party alive" it's amazing. just saying.Thousand Foot Krutch and Skillet have new albums, which is kind of dated news...
but they're still amazing none the less.
rocked off @ 2:03 PM
Thursday, September 24, 2009♥.
The Re-done first chapter of Nightmare Phase is finished! Now I'm working on chapter two!!!:D
rocked off @ 8:09 AM
Tuesday, September 22, 2009♥.
Heya!!! ^__^VMmmmmm home made kolaches. :3 I make good food.Anyyywayy...YESTERDAY WAS IVY MASQURADE'S BIRTHDAY!!!! WOOOOOOT! ( i was the first person to tell her happy birthday, i win at life.):D ONE PAGE AWAY FROM FINISHING CHAPTER TWO OF NIGHTMARE PHASE!!!! CAN. YOU. FEEL. THE. EXCITEMENT!?!?!?!?!!!1!!!!...i'm going to call you susan. i think it suits you. do you like it? do ya?do ya?do ya?do ya?do ya?do ya?do ya?do ya?do ya?do ya?do ya?do ya?Sorry, I've had sugar today. And I got up early to run four miles.Sugar + Sleep deprivation = Fail.Ow. My hand. Don't ask. >___<I'm eating a Snickers bar. Mmmm...wait. I don't like Snickers bars...I WILL NOW DESTROY DEH SNICKAHS BAHS! <---Maximum Ride Quote FTW.>__> GO GET FAMILY FORCE 5, THOUSAND FOOT KRUTCH, AND SKILLET'S NEW ALBUMS!!!!!!!!!! THEY. ARE. AMAZING. :DI'm making up for not posting for like two weeks. Deal with it. So I slept through my epically annoying alarm on my phone for about fifteen minutes this morning. It's like UNCEUNCEUNCEUNCEUNCEUNCEUNCEUNCE and i'm like hmm...what is this strange music that I hear--oh snap that's my alarm. And then it wouldn't shut off. I turned off the alarm. I turned off the volume. I even turned off the phone. AND IT STILL KEPT PLAYING. So there I am, at like six in the morning dazed and confused, trying to get the phone to stop blaring UNCEUNCEUNCEUNCEUNCEUNCE out of it. XD But I figured it out. ^^ >.> Eventually.
rocked off @ 10:24 AM
Wednesday, September 16, 2009♥.
-____- I have to order a new dress.This one didn't fit.Grr./end
rocked off @ 3:10 PM
Saturday, September 12, 2009♥.
I ordered a new lolita dress! I'm excited.Sorry. Needed to share.Go watch the new animation on x.let it pour.x.
rocked off @ 6:00 PM
Thursday, September 10, 2009♥.
~____~ I hate ear aches.
Yes. I'm sick. Again. I really should get that checked out. >__>
Anywayyyy, GO CHECK OUT THE NEW ANIMATION ON x.Let it Pour.x =D
rocked off @ 7:53 AM