Sunday, January 25, 2009♥.
So what's up readers!? Welcome back to my ammmaaazzziinnng blog. Ha ha. Just kidding. It's obviously stellar, not amazing. Hello, differences? So I just got back from a stellar weekend in Houston at Planet Wisdom! like I it. And I got to help set up and tear down/pack up the stage. :] It was pretty darn rad. It was acctually amazingly fun. I never knew how to assemble a huge projector screen until now...important stuff. Maybe it's just my insane love of all things stage/concert related, but it was like, one of the best parts of the whole trip. That, and getting to dress up as a superhero and run around a huuuuuge auditorium screaming like a total idiot. *sigh* Being epic as usual...My heroine name might surprise you...dun dun dun -- SHADOW! Oh boy. That's surprising and unexpected. Ha ha. And no, for those of you who have known me for the last 8 or so years of my, my name was not Mayo. For those of you who have not known me that long...there is a long and slighty disgusting childhood story about that name...ah, camp memories. Okay that's off topic...Anyway, so yeah it was pretty much amazing. I think being a volunteer was the most rad part of the whole experience. I also learned this weekend that I am an epic blanket hog; so if you ever get stuck sharing a bed with me, I apologize ahead of time. So my weekend ROCKED. I smelled like rubber and dirt for the most part, due to running more cords than I can count. But it was amazing none the less. I was also informed that I am required to try a Cherry Limeade some time in the near/present future. Present future? I just made that up. But admit it, it was awesome.So yeah, I have to get back to making my totally stellar music video about PW Houston! But I must say something...I LOVE my blog's first background song. Like I said before, it's Broken Wing by Thousand Foot Krutch, the second song is Falling in the Black by Skillet -- Equally amazing --. I have decided Broken Wing is my theme song and Falling in the Black is my blog's theme song. Oh yeah, I give EVERYTHING theme songs. It's a gift.Peace ♥
rocked off @ 1:07 PM
Thursday, January 22, 2009♥.
Heeeyyyy Readers! What's up? Ha Ha! So, I'm pretty psyched. Not only by the fact that I have a steaming hot english muffin breakfast sandwich in my hand, but also by the fact that tommorow I get to leave for the Planet Wisdom "Unlikely Heroes" conference! Google it. It's pretty rad. Well...if you're between the ages of 13 and 19 like moi. lulz. What does lulz mean anyway??? Terribly confusing. An another, totally non-english muffin related note: I'd like to start doing indie music spotlights! And I'm going to start this week with a local - okay maybe not so local for me...nothing is local for me...- indie band named "The Family Buisness".
They hail from [lol, hail from...] Richardson, TX. Don't ask me where that is, I don't know. Anyway, the members are Kevin Tydlacka-Guitar and Vocals, Andrew Pham-Guitar and Vocals, and Thomas Tydlacka-Drums on occasion. They are an unsigned Alternative/Acoustic band, and I've heard their stuff and I must say, they're pretty rad. They have an EP titled "The Family Buisness" now that has 5 tracks. "Win Win" is amazing, I wish it was my ringtone...Anywho, they're pretty stellar and you should check them out. They have a Facebook page are some other links. :) Because I'm just that awesome.'ll be talking about them in my next episode of my Lovely/Lonely audioblog...which should be done today...and there I'll give you some more info and some show dates.PS: Hope you like the new opening song on the page. It's Broken Wing by Thousand Foot Krutch: one of my favorite songs ever. It brings back Maximum Ride thoughts.♥ Peace
rocked off @ 9:28 AM
Friday, January 16, 2009♥.
I think it's only fair that I talk about something a little bit meaningful. Daydreaming. Oh yeah, call CNN, we've got some serious stuff here. haha. So, maybe I'm just ADD or something but I often find myself in my own little world, usually determined by the music that's playing through my headphones. But isn't it kind of nice? To be able to create your own reality around yourself, that's yours and yours alone. If you don't like something about it, just change it. I think that having a good imagination is something that cannot have a price put on it. Who doesn't love to imagine? Who doesn't wish they could fly? Who doesn't wish they swim deep in the ocean without coming up for air? Who doesn't want to live in a perfect world? Well, the fact is, we don't live in a perfect world. So, why not have your own little world to escape to? Food for thought.So I was watching a horror movie last night and it hit me, why do people get so much enjoyment out of being scared? I enjoy being scared. Well, okay, let me rephrase...I enjoy the adrenaline rush. I don't enjoy the bone-crippling, gut-wrenching, angst that accompanies the trips to the doctors office. [In case you didn't know, my biggest fear is the fear of needles. Oh yeah. Big time. I'm talking shaking, sweating; the whole she-bang.] Anyway, I love that adrenaline rush. Like, I hate heights, but I love going on amusement park rides that drop you straight out of the air 400 feet towards your impending doom, then screech to a perfectly timed stop right before you meet your untimely demise. I think that if this world didn't have fear, life wouldn't be exciting. If you weren't afraid of the dark as a child, you would have had an uneventful childhood full of sound sleep and pleasant dreams. I guess I'm weird but if I ever have a nightmare or something, when I wake up, no matter how ridiculous the dream, I turn it into a simulation. Running through my head what I would actually do if that situation occurred. I'm not saying run out and rent every slasher flick you can get your adrenaline-junkie hands on. I'm just saying, next time someone jumps out from behind a corner and yells BOO! scaring you out of your wits...just take a minute to realize how much more exciting your last 5 minutes was because of it. Then, if need be, give the scare-er what the scare-er deserves.PeaceLizzie ♥
rocked off @ 1:16 PM
Wednesday, January 14, 2009♥.
rocked off @ 12:09 PM
Tuesday, January 13, 2009♥.
Okay!!! First audio post for the Lovely/Lonely audio blog is now up and running! It's a little less exciting as I thought it would be, but is a third attempt at a recording session...Note: People knocking on the door mercilessly during recording = OBNOXIOUS.
They are bound to get more exciting! So leave me a voice comment on this page and tell me what you think of the audio blog!!!
The blog can be found on the Lovely/Lonely page located in the My Pages box at the upper left hand side of your screen :)))
rocked off @ 1:23 PM
Okay so this might or might not come as a surprise to you, but Lovely/Lonely isn't exactly the most popular page on my blog. Okay, to be honest...there's only so much I can write about fashion sense. Therefore, Lovely/Lonely is becoming my voice blog page! That is where my voice blog will be, and new posts will come. :) I'm hoping to do my first voice post today, so keep your fingers crossed that all goes well. Another note, I dunno why, but for some reason I'm really interested in doing a Podcast...maybe in the near future perhaps?...We shall see. Anyway I hope all goes well for you and yours, and I'm gonna go record my first audio blog on Lovely/Lonely. As you know, you can access Lovely/Lonely from My Pages in the left hand boxes of my page, unger my voice comment box.Leave me a voice comment with questions, comments, or suggestions, so I can respond to them! My comment box is incredibly sparse right now, and wishes to be filled :) ♥ Ciao!
rocked off @ 11:45 AM
Saturday, January 10, 2009♥.
Okay, so obviously there's an extra little widget thingy on the side of the page...what is you might ask? It's my new voice comment box! Feel free to leave me a voice comment!!! <3And another thing that might excite you, Lovely/Lonely is getting a voice blog! So, in case I can't think of anything terribly exciting to write about, I'll just give ya'll a verbal report :] Coolio, huh?Anyway, so I just finished watching a movie called RedEye for the second time a few minutes ago. It's a psychological thriller by Wes Craven...Friday the 13th ring a bell?...anyway, it's very different from the Friday series, I'm not going to give too many spoliers but I want to make a few points...For one, the contrast throughout the movie with Cillian Murphy's character, Jack Rippener...exsquisite. He goes from being a very friendly, easy to know, people the terrorist in a hostage situation in the blink of an eye. Seamlessly I might add. Another note, Rachel McAdams character, Lisa, is SUCH a contrast from her character portrayed in Mean Girls. When I first saw her come onto the screen, all I could think of was her being a ditzy, self-absorbed, adolescent; but within minutes of the opening of the movie you can tell she is a strong independent woman with a knack for handling stressful situations. As far as the movie goes, my only complaint is how short it is [only 76 minutes].Other than that there isn't more to post about today. I promise I'll be more faithful about posting. <3
rocked off @ 3:40 PM
Friday, January 9, 2009♥.
Hey! So, long time no see! I know I haven't been very faithful about posting lately, due to the holiday chaos and all. Anyway, so my New Year's party was pretty awesome, and amazing fireworks ensued :) What could be better? Nothing. Nothing at all.So I've seen a couple of really good movies lately. I'm a big fan of thriller/horror movies so that's most of what I watch. I watched "I Am Legend" with Will Smith, about 7 times. It was an amazing vampire/zombie/virus movie and I found it to be extremely entertaining. Also, after watching it with three of my friends at 4 in the morning with a lap-ful of my home-made sushi, we realized that at the part of the movie where Will Smith's character {Robert Neville} sights the mannequin...the mannequins head moves. Me and my friends watched it 12 times on frame-by-frame and sure enough, the head moves on it's own. We all were a bunch of wusses about it too. Anyway, another movie I just finished was Red Eye, but you'll have to see that one for spoilers here.In other entertainment news, my friend Kaysey gave me a book for Christmas...which, usually I wouldn't have been terribly thrilled about...but Kaysey has good taste in books, so I gave it a shot. The book was called "Maximum Ride" by James Patterson. "Maximum Ride" is now my official favorite series of ALL TIME! It's an amazing science fiction novel about six children who have been grafted with 2% avian/bird DNA. I won't spoil too much but the main characters are Max Ride, Fang, Iggy (Who is blind), Nudge, Gazzy, and Angel. Most of them had other things altered with them that are later revealed in the soon to be 5 book series; such as Angel's ability to breathe underwater, or Gazzy's [Angel's Brother] ability to mimic and throw voices. My favorite character is Iggy. He is blind throughout the series, and has a strange enjoyment out of building explosives. :) Anyhow, the book is about them escaping from an institute called "The School" which is a horrible place that does horrible science-y things to children and animals and their struggle for survival against the other scientific maladies, the Erasers. Which are half human, half canine. Before I ruin TOO much of the story, this series is so entertaining, and I can't wait to get my hands on the manga - which is released THIS MONTH - and see the movie which should be released in 2010 :))) <3>
rocked off @ 3:04 PM
Thursday, January 1, 2009♥.
rocked off @ 4:13 PM